Note: This email message was sent to students in February 2024, and information may no longer be up to date.
Dear Students,
Promoting democracy is an important part of the educational experience we foster at Carolina. We want to ensure you have the resources you need to vote in the upcoming primary elections, including for president, U.S. House of Representatives, governor, and lieutenant governor.
Voter registration
First, to vote on the day of the primary, you must be registered to vote by Friday, Feb. 9, 2024.
Second, if you plan to register to vote in North Carolina, you can access voter registration forms online through the North Carolina State Board of Elections. If you plan to vote in a state different from North Carolina, you can access voter registration forms online from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.
When mailing your form, please remember to postmark it no later than the deadline of Friday, Feb. 9, 2024. Forms can be mailed from any mailbox on campus, including the U.S. Post Office located on the third floor of the UNC Student Stores by the South Road entrance.
Voter registration is also available during early voting. You can only vote early in your county of residence. College students may register in their college community or remain registered at home. More information about registering to vote as a college student can be found at the North Carolina Board of Elections website.
Voting requirement — photo ID
When voting, please note that voters in North Carolina are now required to show an approved photo ID. Physical UNC-Chapel Hill One Cards have been approved by the state for both students and employees to use when voting (UNC-Chapel Hill’s mobile One Card is not approved.) Visit the North Carolina Board of Election’s voter ID webpage for more information about what other forms of ID will and will not be accepted.
Voting locations on campus and in Orange County
You can check your registration, find your polling place, and download a sample ballot at the North Carolina State Board of Elections website. There is no same-day registration available on Election Day.
One-stop, early voting in Orange County: (You may register to vote and vote in-person at the same time during this period):
- Thursday, Feb. 15, until Saturday, March 2, 2024
- Location closest to campus for Orange County voters: Chapel of the Cross (304 East Franklin St., next to Morehead Planetarium).
Election Day:
- Tuesday, March 5, 2024
- Our students can vote on Election Day at the Sonja Haynes Stone Center for Research in Black History and Culture (150 South Rd.), among other locations.
Bookmark our Promote Democracy website and follow our social media channels X and Instagram, which we’ll use to update you regarding early voting locations, dates, and times.
Thanks for playing your part as an engaged and active citizen, here in North Carolina and beyond.
Happy voting — and Go Heels!
Amy Johnson
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Jason Roberts
Professor, Department of Political Science
Captain, Promote Democracy