VC Message

| May 7, 2021

COVID-19 UPDATE: Community Standards Conduct Summary Report

Dear Carolina Community,       As spring semester 2021 draws to a close, we are sharing our quarterly report summarizing our COVID-19 Community Standards referrals and outcomes. The latest data reflects referrals and results between Jan. 28 and April 30, 2021. First, I want to praise our students for their commitment to the safety of our campus community this semester. Their efforts […]
| April 13, 2021

Leadership Changes in Student Affairs

Dear Deans, Directors and Department Chairs, I write to share that we have made some initial organizational changes in Student Affairs as we work through the difficult process of defining our division’s response to the University budget reductions.  Since my arrival in August, I have had an opportunity to speak with folks at every level […]
| March 18, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccination Updates

Dear Carolina Community, Today we write to share with you several updates related to the COVID-19 vaccination efforts. Group 4 Eligibility First, we are pleased that additional members of our community are eligible for the vaccine this week. Governor Cooper announced that beginning March 17, people in Group 4 who have a medical condition that puts them […]
| March 18, 2021

Accommodations for Religious Observances

Dear Carolina Students,  This year, our academic calendar overlaps more significantly with a number of religious holidays, including Ramadan, Passover, Good Friday and Easter, and Ridván.  The Provost recently emailed all faculty members, instructors and teaching assistants with a reminder about these holidays and a request for flexibility regarding attendance and deadlines that coincide with religious observances.  […]
| March 10, 2021

Enjoy Your Wellness Days

Dear Carolina Students,  Our second set of student Wellness Days is this week: March 11-12. I hope you can use these days to relax, recharge and enjoy some spring sunshine.  We know the social isolation during the pandemic has been difficult, particularly when engaging with friends is an important part of the college experience. Consider […]
| March 4, 2021

Saturday's UNC vs Duke Basketball Game

Dear Tar Heels,  Check out the video that Student Body President Reeves Moseley and I created, encouraging safe watching — and hopefully celebrating — our UNC-Duke men’s basketball game this Saturday.  Visit our Student Affairs website for fun ideas on how to watch safely and remember to follow the three Ws — WEAR a mask, WAIT six feet apart and WASH […]
| February 9, 2021

Reporting Community Standard Violations

As of Monday morning, Student Conduct has received more than 300 referrals since Saturday night. Every referral is reviewed to assess whether the reported action, if verifiable, represents a violation of the COVID-19 Community Standards. Because of the volume of referrals, we expect the review process to take some time. For each reported violation, Student Conduct will designate a Hearing Officer to assess the report, conduct an initial review […]
| February 4, 2021

COVID-19 UPDATE: Community Standards Conduct Summary Report

Dear Carolina Community,     Last November, in response to campus feedback, we announced that we will share key data summarizing our COVID-19 Community Standards referrals for violations and outcomes on our Carolina Together website at least once a quarter. Today we are updating that data to reflect the latest information between Nov. 1, 2020, and Jan. 31, 2021.  […]
| January 29, 2021

COVID-19 UPDATE: Important Reminders about Healthy Behavior

Dear Carolina Students, I hope that your transition back from winter break has been a smooth one and that you are settling into your classes. I write to you with some important reminders to help make sure we have a successful spring semester. Community Standards We greatly appreciate that the majority of our students are committed to following our COVID-19 Community Standards to protect yourselves […]
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