Off Campus

Happy Heel-O-Ween, Tar Heels!
Learn ways for our campus community to have fun and stay safe this October 31.
The Good Neighbor Initiative (GNI) — a partnership among the University, the towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro, and several community organizations — is here to help strengthen the connections between Carolina students and long-time residents to help Tar Heels thrive in off-campus housing.
Winter Break 2021 Resources
For Carolina students who find themselves in the Chapel Hill area for some part or all of winter break, there is still plenty to do. It’s important to note that on-campus service hours may be limited, so check out this list of openings and services during the break.
Get Your Flu Shot Before Winter Break
An increase in influenza, “flu,” activity has been detected nationally in recent weeks, and we have diagnosed a number of cases already this semester at Campus Health. The best way to prevent the flu is by getting vaccinated each year. This year, getting your flu vaccination is even more important. With both flu and COVID-19 circulating in our community this fall and winter, being…
Be Safe, Tar Heels!
As we round the corner into the second half of the semester, approaching a busy Halloween weekend and shorter days, now is a good time for a few safety reminders. Your safety and well-being are our highest priorities, and in that spirit, we share a few good resources to help you have a safe and…
University Career Services Boasts a Busy Fall
University Career Services (UCS) is offering four virtual fairs and seven virtual career education workshops in October & November. UCS Executive Director Tierney Bates says his staff has great programs planned for students throughout the semester. "November is National Career Development Month, which is a unique opportunity for [students] to be involved and engaged in…
LGBTQ Center Celebrates National Coming Out Day
In honor National Coming Out Week, the UNC LGBTQ Center is hosting a week full of activities.
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