Dear Carolina Students,
We are thrilled to announce that Carolina undergraduate students, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows can now schedule themselves to be vaccinated conveniently on campus through a student vaccination clinic offered by Campus Health in the Carolina Union. We encourage all members of our campus community to receive the vaccine when they are eligible. The vaccines are safe and effective. Getting your vaccine is the best way to do your part to stem the spread of the virus and help us return to normal campus operations.
For the first week of our student vaccination clinic, the state allocated UNC Campus Health 2,000 doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. This vaccine only requires a single dose, so those receiving a vaccine would be considered “fully vaccinated” two weeks after their appointment. Even after you’re vaccinated, continue to stay vigilant, follow the University’s COVID-19 Community Standards, follow the three Ws (wear a mask, wait six feet apart, and wash your hands) and test regularly through the Carolina Together Testing Program.
We are following the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services vaccine prioritization framework. As of 3/31, when the clinic appointments begin, Groups 1, 2, 3 and all of group 4 will be eligible for vaccinations.
Student vaccinations appointments will be available Wednesday 3/31 and Thursday 4/1 from 9 a.m. – 7.p.m., as well as Monday 4/5 and Tuesday 4/6, from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Due to the Spring Holiday, no vaccination appointments will be offered on Friday, 4/2.
Vaccination reservations are available for students and post-doctoral fellows at
When you book your appointment, avoid conflicts with classes, exams or work. Plan for your visit to take one hour. You will need to remain on site for the entirety of your appointment including an observation period.
If all slots are filled, check back for cancellations or additional vaccine appointment opportunities. Or you can find another vaccination location that meets your needs.
The student vaccine appointments will take place on the ground floor of the Carolina Union. There will be no out-of-pocket cost to you, but please bring your insurance card to the appointment.
We have uploaded students and post-docs to the North Carolina COVID Vaccine Management System (CVMS). Look for an email from the Vaccine Management System and use it to complete your pre-registration with CVMS. This must be completed before your vaccine appointment.
Please contact Campus Health at [email protected] if you have a history of severe allergic reactions or if you have questions about the Carolina Student Vaccination Clinic.
We look forward to supporting you in receiving the vaccine and fostering the health and safety of our Carolina community!
Amy Johnson
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Ken Pittman
Executive Director of Campus Health