Read a good book recently? UNC Student Organization for Undergraduate Literature is a student org that hosts weekly book discussions open to all students, from the most casual readers to bookworms. President Georgia Chapman shares more about the organization:
- What is S.O.U.L. all about?
S.O.U.L. is a non-traditional book club here on campus. Instead of reading the same book every month, we have a theme for each meeting. In the past, we have had themes like movie adaptation night, childhood favorites, bests and worsts. This way, people are encouraged to come talk about books with other readers without feeling the pressure of having to read by a deadline. S.O.U.L. operates as an organization to further research, scholarship, and creativity at UNC. We provide all undergraduate majors a place to come and discuss all things bookish!
- How do you help students?
Our officers understand how hard it is to find time for reading in between classes and other activities here on campus. We help students who don’t have that time to be able to discuss their favorites, inspiring them to pick up a book when they have the time. Our goal is to create a community where people feel comfortable and excited to read their next book!
- What do you like most about being a member of S.O.U.L.?
Most members enjoy the discussions, as they are the heart of our organization. Each week, new and different faces come in to join our community which has been incredible to see throughout the semesters. We also enjoy the ability to find people with similar interests and book taste without the added stress of a reading deadline. But the icing on top is meeting up with friends over pizza and drinks!
- What has been your favorite event?
Although we had some great events last semester like our character costume contest, our recent blind date with a book has been a favorite for all of our officers and most members! We invited undergraduates to bring a book to receive a book. Once they brought one, they received a book ticket and our officers wrapped them and put a blurb on each book. We then invited them to pick out a new one to take home with them. We had a great turnout with even better discussion on romance novels! And, of course, our usual pizza, snacks, and drinks.
- How can students get involved with S.O.U.L.?
We meet every other Wednesday in Greenlaw 223 at 6:30. You can follow us on Instagram or join our GroupMe. Also keep a look out for our flyers which we post around Greenlaw and other buildings around campus. We hope you come out to join us for some pizza and literary discussion!