Student Org Spotlight: First-Generation Student Association

October 24, 2022 | |

Meet First-Generation Student Association: a community of first-generation college students at UNC. The organization aims to welcome all first-gen students to Carolina with resources, advice, and encouragement so that they can confidently go through their college years. The executive board shares how first-gen tarheels are supported:  

  1. What is First-Generation Student Association (FGSA) all about?  
    For many first-generation college students, getting accepting into college is only the beginning of many challenges. FGSA's main goal is to fill in the gaps that family members may lack sufficient knowledge on so that UNC first-gens can get all the support they need for a successful time at Carolina. With our connections with other campus organizations and departments, we hope to be able to give our members the resources they need to put their best foot forward.  
  1. How do you help students?  
    FGSA Executive Board strives to be a friend and resource to UNC first-gens. We hope to create a safe space for first-gens to ask questions, meet other students, and strengthen their life skills. 
  1. What do you like most about being a member of FGSA?  
    Being able to connect with a community who shares similar challenges is just one of the most rewarding parts of being a part of FGSA. We want to emphasize that first-gens are never alone!
  1. What does your identity mean to you? 
    FGSA's motto is "I may be the first, but I won't be the last. Being first means I am open to infinite opportunities, there are no setbacks." While our first-gen identities bring on many challenges, it also motivates us to strive towards greatness whether it be in our academic, career, or personal goals.  
  1. How can students get involved with FGSA? 
    If you're first-gen, you're already a member of FGSA! We hold several events throughout the semester including socials, career-related workshops, guest speakers, and more. Check us out @uncfirstgens on Instagram and Twitter to stay up to date on what is going on in the first-gen community. 
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