Student Affairs offers opportunities that support student learning and success commensurate with the broader scope and goals of the University. Student Affairs is committed to implementing assessment to determine how our efforts are meeting students’ developmental needs, to monitor progress towards unit level, divisional, and institutional goals, as well as to inform strategic planning. Through the shared practice of assessment, we demonstrate who we are, what we value, expectations for our students and Student Affairs, and our contributions to the fulfillment of the University’s mission.
In this section of the website you will find resources designed to support your professional development and engagement with assessment in Student Affairs. A good place to start is by viewing the Assessment Overview for Student Affairs Staff below.
Assessment Overview for Student Affairs Staff
Our assessment culture in Student Affairs builds on a Core Assessment Framework aligned with Student Affairs priorities. The framework emphasizes 5 Priorities, with each priority defined by at least one divisional learning and/or program outcome. Review our Core Assessment Framework before exploring other ways to develop your assessment skills!
Our Core Assessment Framework
Core Assessment Framework Presentation
Now that you are familiar with our Core Assessment Framework, check out these additional resources to help you build skills for success at each step of the Assessment Cycle.