
A person takes a graduation photo at the Old Well on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus.
| | May 8, 2024

Summer Break 2024 Resources

There are a number of resources, activities and services available for students who find themselves in Chapel Hill over summer break.  Where to eat  For students interested in other resources to address food insecurity, the UNC-Chapel Hill Writing and Learning Center shares a blog post: How I Dealt with Food Insecurity on Campus. Things to […]
| May 1, 2024

End-of-Semester Support and Resources

This message was sent to students at UNC-Chapel Hill on May 1, 2024. Dear Carolina Students,  We know that the ongoing violence in Israel and Palestine creates fear, stress, and sadness for many members of our community—and the reverberation of these emotions and views were felt strongly on our campus yesterday, especially. As a public […]
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