Starting this week, Carolina students, faculty and staff can opt in to receive “Campus Advisories” via their mobile devices. Campus Advisories are opt-in text notifications regarding an event on campus that may create congestion, include extensive security measures, or involve sensitive issues, so individuals may be aware and make decisions about how to navigate the area as desired.
To receive these notifications, you need to download the CarolinaGo app, which is available for download on any Android or Apple device.
Once downloaded, open the app and select the “Persona” of your choice:

To opt in to receive Campus Advisories, click the “Messages” icon at the bottom of the screen.

Click the link for “Opt-in channels” in the black header bar.

On the “Manage Opt-ins” screen, click the plus symbol beside the Campus Advisories option to subscribe. Check back periodically for future Opt-In Channels.

You are now signed up to receive Campus Advisories notifications in the CarolinaGo app! To ensure that these notifications are pushed to the home screen of your mobile device, you will need to enable push notifications for this app via your phone’s settings.
Note that these advisories are different from the Alert Carolina Emergency Notification System, which alerts campus to confirmed criminal activity, emergencies, adverse weather or other dangerous situations.
What constitutes a message to be distributed via Campus Advisories will be determined by staff in Institutional Integrity and Risk Management and Student Affairs and will be based on the best verifiable information available. It may not be possible to send prior notice for spontaneous events. As always, any student, faculty or staff member who feels unsafe in any situation on campus should always call 9-1-1.
As a public university, Carolina embraces the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and upholds the North Carolina Restore and Preserve Free Speech Act and the UNC System Board of Governors’ policy on free speech and free expression. Outdoor public spaces on campus are open to all regardless of their views, as long as they follow the law and University policy. Our hope is that the Campus Advisories system will help our community make informed decisions about their time on campus when there are events or activities that may cause congestion or concerns.