COVID-19 UPDATE: Community Standards Conduct Summary Report

May 7, 2021 |

Dear Carolina Community,     
As spring semester 2021 draws to a close, we are sharing our quarterly report summarizing our COVID-19 Community Standards referrals and outcomes. The latest data reflects referrals and results between Jan. 28 and April 30, 2021.

First, I want to praise our students for their commitment to the safety of our campus community this semester. Their efforts to adhere to the COVID-19 Community Standards and the Carolina Together Testing Program are evident not only in the data published below but in our campus COVID-19 asymptomatic positivity rate, which was at an all-time low of .03% this week. We have asked a lot of our students over the last year, and they have risen to the challenge. We are closing the chapter on a successful spring semester thanks in no small part to our students’ actions.

As a reminder, we share this data in a way that balances our desire for transparency while making sure to safeguard individuals’ privacy rights. Effective today, you will see the following data provided on the Carolina Together website:    

  1/28/21- 4/30/21  
Total Referrals for Community Standards Violations (reports)   476 
Cases Resulting in Developmental Action 
(including written warnings, educational interventions, activity restrictions, and probation)  
Cases Resulting in Removal from Carolina Housing   
Cases with Insufficient Information/No Violation  
(no student identified or student found not responsible)   
Pending Cases   39 

Data from Jan. 28 – April 30, 2021.    

Every referral is reviewed to assess whether the reported action, if verifiable, represents a violation of the standards. As widely reported in February, the University received more than 300 referrals specific to the Feb. 6 incident in which hundreds of Carolina fans rushed Franklin Street, consistent with a long-standing tradition. It is important to note that a significant number of these Franklin Street event referrals were not viable (i.e., the report contained no information that identified any specific students, noted an individual who was not enrolled or could not be identified, addressed a non-violation, etc.). Of the viable referrals, we received many reports that addressed the same individual(s) or provided duplicate information.

Updated COVID-19 Community Standards for summer 2021 will be shared soon, and we will continue to provide quarterly updates summarizing referrals for violations.

As always, many thanks for your support to keep our campus and local community safe and well, and best wishes for a healthy and restorative summer break.


Amy Johnson   
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs    

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